Jun 16, 2011

Chantal Hébert mentions the federal Lobbying Act's 5 Year Prohibition Rule on the At Issue Panel

I just reviewed last week's At Issue Panel. Chantal Hébert:

You [the Harper Government] put in place lots of checks and balances. You have the Accountability Act. You basically make it difficult for just about anyone to come to work for a politician and then not pay for it for the rest of his career. But then as the government you're entitled to just take public money outside of every guideline and every process and say: "Well this money -- we're gonna spend as we sit fit and we're not even going to tell Parliament about it."
Meanwhile Guy Giorno (who is calling for jail time for breaching the federal Lobbyist's Code of Conduct) has twice since derided Hébert on twitter:

It's one thing for Giorno to lobby hard in the public sphere for changes to the Federal Lobbying Act. Yet if he is published doing that -- alongside seasoned political journalists, competing with them as though he has no partisan interest -- you would think he would at least possess enough common sense not to pick brutish fights with same on Twitter.

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